The Data Management Planning subgroup of ITRC’s Environmental Data Management Best Practices team prepared an overview fact sheet and five subtopic sheets.
Instructions: Click on the individual buttons within the graphical interactive directory to navigate to each work product shown.
Data Management Planning

Subtopic Areas

The information presented in the fact sheet and subtopic sheets for this subgroup is supported by the following additional work products that were prepared by other subgroups within the Environmental Data Management Best Practices team. In the Interactive Directory below, work products that pertain to Data Management Planning, whether prepared by this subgroup or a different subgroup, are highlighted to illustrate cross connections between subgroup areas.
Instructions: Click on a highlighted button within the graphical interactive directory to navigate to a work product on that topic.

The acronyms, glossary terms, and references cited in these materials are also available on Environmental Data Management Best Practices website.
Return to the complete Interactive Directory of Environmental Data Management Best Practices Team Work Products.